“Who would have thought that you would still find so many things in this scenario that aren’t that bad at all? I would like to live there, in that world.”
The participants in this project pointed out four major targets in their discourse on a preferable future:
Different priorities apply to each of the four scripts, and the various actors act differently in each of the four scripts. So how about those four targets?
The compasses below indicate what is typical for each of the four targets in the four scripts. We look at the broader context, organization by governments, companies and citizens and their attitudes, manners, and behaviors. In doing so, we emphasize the products and services that contribute to the whole. After discussing the four compasses, the roles of technology and governments will be discussed for each script.
This part provides an overview of the different products and services that may contribute to achieving specific components of the visions for Ghent in 2040 that were discussed in the process. It gives an impression of the intended and unintended impact that certain measures, manners, or behaviors may entail. Do you wonder what lies between the contemporary situation and the realization of a vision? You can explore it using our compasses.
Did you lose sight of the North for a minute?
com·pass (noun; plural: compasses)
instrument that designates the magnetic meridian (the North) (…) serves to determine the direction in which one moves in relation to it.
figurative: directive, guideline, principle